

Happy & Bilingual Foundation shipped 200 backpacks and school supplies to Kingston, Jamaica for the Backpack Global 2017 charity event.  In partnership with Project Kase, an organization that was already doing great charity work in Trench Town.  Tanisha Colquhoun, founder and director of Happy and Bilingual Foundation, Kasi Bennett, founder and director of Project Kase, along with Project Manager, Tenuke Doyley, worked together as a team to host and facilitate a successful BackpackGlobal 2017 charity event in Trench Town!

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Dallas, Texas, August 2017

Happy and Bilingual Foundation hosted, Backpack Global 2017 at Promise House in Dallas, Texas.  Promise House is a facility that provides shelter for youth in crisis. Their programs include emergency shelter, transitional living, pregnant and parenting teen services, individual, group and family counseling, street outreach and education intervention.

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KINGSTON, JAMAICA, December 1, 2017

Happy and Bilingual hosted a Christmas Charity event at the Maxfield Park Children's Home in Kingston Jamaica. The children of the Maxifield Park Children's home received all the proceeds of our toy drive for Christmas 2017. We are prohibited from sharing pictures of the children at this facility. It was a fun evening of music and dancing and the children could not wait to get the battery packages opened to get their remote controlled cars, guitars and handheld games going.  Even the toddlers were in on the fun with their age appropriate toys.

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Clothes Drive for victims of Hurricane Harvey, August 30, 2017

Happy and Bilingual Foundation in an effort to support the victims of the floods following Hurricane Harvey, conducted a clothes drive to donate to the shelters in Houston, Texas.  Hurricane Harvey had several Houston, Texas residents displaced for several days.  There was a great need for children and adult clothing.

Backpack Global 2018 - COMING SOON!

Happy and Bilingual is currently gearing up for Backpack Global 2018!  Our drive to raise funds begins Sunday, April 29, 2018 and ends Sunday, May 6, 2018.  Please stay tuned for details.

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Thank you for your donations

"Even the largest avalanche is triggered by small things." - Vernor Vinge.  We recognize that our impact is greater in partnerships.  We invite you to partner with us.  Together we can make an indelible mark in the life of a child and change his or her future forever! Thank you for your donations!